1¾«’ Jupiter Comet Watch Program: This is a observational program to monitor the probable upcoming Jupiter/Comet Shoemaker-Levy encounter slated for July ,1994.... Enclosed is the entire program, plus observing forms to get the observer started. It is recommended that any participants begin observing Jupiter well in advance of the proposed event to get accustomed to the many features that are evident on Jupiter's surface. These observations should then be sent to the section leader in your locale (a listing of section leaders follows at the end of this notice....) If you decide to become part of the program, kindly correspond with your section leader for a registration form, so that we can find out a bit about you, your equipment and observing experience. Of course a preference is for individuals who will see this project to the end once a committment to join is acknowledged. This program was written using Windows 3.1, thusly use File Manager to access the program, or OPEN the file in the WRITE program itself. ATTENTION Astronomy Clubs: If you want to use any portion of the program to include in your newsletter, there is no obligation and you may do so freely, however be certain to give the references of the individuals who were referenced in Juprog. wri. Jupobs.wri- Jupiter Observing Form A Jupobsc.wri- Jupiter Observing Form C Jupobse. wri- Jupiter Observing Form B Jupnom.wri- Jupiter Nomenclature Form (for making a transparency)(explained in program) Jupformnu.wri- Jupiter Observing Form (sent to Section leaders, final form, explained in text) Juprog.wri- The entire Jupiter Observing program It is recommended that several copies of Forms A,B,C, and The Jupiter Observing Form be made. Plus a transparent overlay of the form JUPITER NOMENCLATURE also be made to determine precise locations of features noted on the observing forms. This program is freeware to anyone who accesses it, I hope you enjoy the program and will join us in what could possibly be a ringside seat for an event that occurs only once in a lifetime. It would be advisable to send a couple of SASE to the section leader when requesting any communication...thus financial burdens will be kept to a minimum to any one individual. Good Luck! Steve H. Lucas 14400 Kolin Ave. Midlothian, IL. ies of Forms A,B,C, and The Jupiter Observing Form be made. Plus a transparent overlay of the form JUPITER NOM€’ w8 /` > 8  Ç@Hïó8`› ïàEïN`‰Eï E0t`T`èt`²^`\`T`> ? èr`³¯t`²/¯î ÈÈÎ`? ç,Ó€žÿÿ ÿÿ#ÿÿ%ÿÿ½ÿÿ¿ÿÿþÿÿÿÿ‡ÿÿ‰ÿÿ¯ÿÿØÿÿÿÿYÿÿ¹ÿÿëÿÿíÿÿÞÿÿàÿÿP ÿÿP R ÿÿ^ ÿÿ` ÿÿp ÿÿ‚ ÿÿ” ÿÿþÿÿÿÿ‡ÿÿ‰ÿÿ¯ÿÿØÿÿÿÿYÿÿ¹ÿÿëÿÿíÿÿÞÿÿàÿÿP ÿÿ Arialombie 239 Knoll Rd. #4 712 Hilton Rd. 16105 Stanton Rd. San Marcos,